Shared Well Agreement Oregon

Shared Well Agreement Oregon: What You Need to Know

If you`re considering purchasing a property in Oregon with a shared well, it`s important to understand the legal requirements and responsibilities involved in a shared well agreement. A shared well is a well or water source that is shared by multiple property owners and can often be found in rural areas or on private property.

In Oregon, shared well agreements are typically governed by the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD). The OWRD has established guidelines and regulations related to the construction, operation, and maintenance of shared wells to ensure safe and efficient water distribution.

Here are some key aspects of shared well agreements in Oregon that you should be aware of:

1. The Need for a Written Agreement

Oregon law requires that a written agreement be established between all property owners who share a well. The agreement should outline the responsibilities of each owner, including who is responsible for maintaining the well and any associated equipment, as well as who will pay for repairs or upgrades.

The agreement should also address the allocation of water usage among the different property owners, including any restrictions on the amount of water that can be used or the times when water can be accessed.

2. The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for the proper operation of a shared well. The agreement should include a schedule for routine maintenance tasks, such as testing water quality, checking the well pump, and inspecting the well structure.

It`s also important to establish a protocol for addressing any issues or problems that may arise with the well or the distribution system. This may involve appointing a designated person to act as a liaison between the different property owners and the well maintenance provider.

3. Compliance with State and Local Regulations

In addition to complying with OWRD guidelines, property owners who share a well must also comply with any relevant state and local regulations related to water usage and distribution. This may include obtaining permits for water use or complying with restrictions on the amount of water that can be used during certain times of year.

It`s important to consult with local authorities and water experts to ensure that all regulations are being followed and that the well is operating safely and efficiently.

4. Resolving Disputes

Disputes can arise between property owners who share a well, particularly if there are disagreements about water usage or maintenance responsibilities. The agreement should include a protocol for resolving disputes, such as mediation or arbitration.

It`s important to establish clear procedures for resolving disputes to prevent conflicts from escalating and to ensure the ongoing operation of the well.

In conclusion, a shared well agreement is an important legal document for property owners who share a well in Oregon. By establishing clear responsibilities and protocols for maintenance and usage, property owners can ensure that the well operates safely and efficiently for years to come. Be sure to consult with water experts and local authorities to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.